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Pixxel launches platform for simplified, intuitive analysis of satellite data

  • 07/08/2024
  • Space data company Pixxel  announced the launch of Aurora, an Earth Observation (EO) platform developed in-house by the company.
  • Pixxel, which works with hyperspectral earth imaging technology, is pitching Aurora as a platform that offers an intuitive analysis of satellite imagery.
  • Aurora can redefine how remote sensing user groups access, interpret and leverage EO data.
  • The platform comes with an archive of open-source and commercial remote sensing datasets and is expected to integrate with Pixxel’s hyperspectral imagery by the end of 2024. 
  • Aurora features indices that include Normalised Difference Vegetation Index for assessing vegetation health, Normalised Difference Water Index for estimating water surface area and monitoring flood impacts, and Oil Spill Index for detecting and monitoring oil spills on water surfaces. It has potential applications in monitoring forest health and carbon stocks, precision agriculture, and tracking land use changes.