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Doppler Weather Radar Surveillance system

  • 07/07/2023

Karantaka government to mitigate the problems caused by heavy rains, strong winds and floods in the state by the installation of Doppler Weather Radar Surveillance system from the State Disaster Mitigation Fund (SDMF)

  • Based on Doppler principle, the radar is designed to improve precision in long-range weather forecasting and surveillance using a parabolic dish antenna and a foam sandwich spherical radome.
  • DWR has the equipment to measure rainfall intensity, wind shear and velocity and locate a storm centre and the direction of a tornado or gust front.

It is a specialized radar that uses the Doppler effect to produce velocity data about objects at a distance

  • Doppler effect: When the source and the signal are in relative motion to each other there is a change in the frequency observed by the observer. If they are moving closer, frequency increases and vice versa.